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Derby Hotels Collection

Christmas shopping in London

782 438 Derby Hotels Collection

Napoleon famously referred to England as a nation of shopkeepers. Two hundred years later, London remains one of the best places in the world to go shopping, and Christmas with all shops elegantly decorated it…

The Puerta de Alcalá

580 297 Derby Hotels Collection

Would you like to learn more about the history of the Puerta de Alcalá? Continue reading! It was built in 1778 to commemorate the arrival of King Charles III to Madrid. The name comes from the…

The Sagrada Familia, Barcelona

880 590 Derby Hotels Collection

Would you like to learn more about the history of the Sagrada Familia? Continue reading! Pic from SagradaFamilia.org “D” day Construction began on the Sagrada Familia on 19 March 1882. It is estimated that the…

If you like jazz, London is your city

650 226 Derby Hotels Collection

If brassy, blaring instruments and colourful, shifting sounds are what excite you then head to London this November for the world-famous EFG London Jazz festival. Every year since 1992 the EFG has broken all boundaries…

Architectural Jewels in Barcelona

573 369 Derby Hotels Collection

The wealth of architecture  in Barcelona goes far beyond  the most prolific creators…. Humankind cannot live on modernism alone! Here are some of the unique buildings that are a must-see during your visit to the…

L’Hôtel Banke lève le voile sur sa nouvelle carte automnale

2500 1660 Derby Hotels Collection

Aux commandes du restaurant Josefin, le Chef Cyril Chevalier, a concocté de nouveaux mets en parfaite harmonie avec la saison. Toujours dans un souci d’excellence et de fidélité aux valeurs du Groupe Derby, chaque aliment…

Balade dans les cimetières parisiens

630 405 Derby Hotels Collection

Sortez des sentiers battus ! A l’approche de la Toussaint, promenez-vous dans Paris et ses environs à la découverte de ses célèbres lieux mortuaires peuplés de personnalités défuntes ou de personnages historiques. Ils constituent des lieux…

Sweet home Barcelona

702 309 Derby Hotels Collection

Would you like to enjoy Barcelona’s sweeter side.? Note this selection of the best bakeries in the city!. Pambolisucre In the heart of the Sants neighbourhood, Pambolisucre is the perfect place for breakfast or for…

Exposition Picasso à Paris

602 303 Derby Hotels Collection

Pour les vacances de la Toussaint, un incontournable à Paris : l’exposition Picasso.Mania au Grand Palais inaugurée ce mois-ci et qui se prolonge jusqu’en février 2016. Cette rétrospective montre des œuvres de l’artiste associées à des…

Vintage Fair at Cutty Sark Gardens

575 383 Derby Hotels Collection

 Copyright: On the Gardens. Vintage Fair at Cutty Sark Gardens This weekend Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th, Greenwich in London will be hosting a lively pop-up Vintage Fair at Cutty Sark Gardens with music and…