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Derby Hotels Collection

Discover the Magic of the Nit dels Museus in Barcelona

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The Nit dels Museus, or Night of the Museums, is a well-established celebration in Barcelona. It is a unique opportunity to explore the city’s cultural institutions in a different and festive atmosphere. During this special…

10 things to do in Madrid in Spring

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Beautiful sunsets, colourful gardens, pleasant temperatures… Spring offers the perfect weather to enjoy the wonders Madrid has to offer. Its streets, gastronomy, terraces, festivals and fairs, cultural events and flowery parks all make for unforgettable…

London in Spring, Londres au printemps

10 things to do in London in Spring

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With the arrival of spring, London comes alive with colour. Spring offers the perfect weather to enjoy the streets, gastronomy, range of cultural attractions and flowery parks of the British capital.  Find out about the…

10 things to do in Barcelona in Spring

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Barcelona in spring is a magical time to enjoy the city. The sun shines brighter, flowers adorn street corners, the terraces fill with people. The setting is perfect for outdoor activities. Here are 10 things…

passeig de gourmets sixth edition barcelona gastronomic festival

Passeig de Gourmets: Barcelona’s gastronomic festival

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Passeig de Gràcia will celebrate Passeig de Gourmets’ sixth edition. This year, the prestigious gastronomic festival will take place from the 9th to the 19th of March. A total of 21 participants will get together to showcase their…

couple enjoying a romantic geaway at Hotel Claris Barcelona


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Valentine’s Day is just around the corner! Although at Derby Hotels Collection we like to celebrate love every day, we know it is a special day for people in love. If you are looking for…

August in Madrid fêtes d' août à Madrid

Three summer festivals held in Madrid in August

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Summer is here and with it the best popular festivals in Madrid in different neighborhoods of the capital. During August, the city holds several street parties and traditional festivals, known as verbenas. We love breaking the routine! That is…


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With the arrival of good weather, now is the perfect time to enjoy the best terraces inBarcelona. Enjoy a drink by the pool, savor some delectable tapas in good company, watch thesunset over the city……

salon, living room, hotel claris, derby hotels collection, design, luxury space, interior design, decoration


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We all cherish that special area in our house where we retreat to dream, to embark on Netflix marathons or to immerse ourselves in a good read… our living room. And when it comes to…

Derby Hotels with Heart

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Every day at 8.00 pm there is a round of applause for health care staff. Every day, for a few minutes, the whole country celebrates the courage and solidarity of those who carry much of…