755 Paris Fashion Week - Derby Hotels Collection Blog Magazine

Paris Fashion Week

Paris Fashion Week

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Today begins the Paris Fashion Week. Ten days during which the French capital hosts over a hundred fashion shows. Regarding this event we talked to stylist Bernat Buscato who was last week at Banke Hotel in a shooting for the Spanish magazine Yo Dona. The challenge: dress Chaplin’s granddaughter.
What styling did you choose? We were inspired by the TV shows where she is currently acting in “Game of Thrones”.

Oona Chaplin in Game of Thrones
Oona Chaplin plays in Game of Thrones

Bernat has worked with top fashion photographers, but confesses he would love to work with Bruce Weber for his personal style and because he can strongly identify himself with his aesthetics. When asked to choose a celebrity for her style and personality, he declares it’s impossible for him to pick just one. He highlights Paris as a city where fashion is really alive, and describes his job as like being a chef, but instead of using ingredients the stylist uses style elements to create a specific look.

For this upcoming fall he gives us the keys to create a successful look: a great deal of black leather  and contrast between a baroque and a more minimalist style.

If you visit the city of Paris, do not miss to follow the tips he recommends: Merci shop, an authentic temple of design, the vintage boutique Didier Ludot, where you are able to find genuine masterpieces of Lacroix, Chanel or Vuitton, and for a nice mail visit the Argentinian restaurant Anahi.

Bernat continues to be impressed each year with the amount of people that brings together the Paris Fashion Week,  the concentrated energy, and the magic that is created in just a few minutes. A unique show!

Banke Hotel
Banke Hotel